If you would like to play Word Domination you can download the client here. Just pick your preferred platform and download the file. There is no need to install the application. You only have to extract the archive and run the game.
NOTE This version has not been tested, so it may contain bugs or display errors.
15.10.2015 The game has been upgraded to use the Unity 5 platform:
- Game now uses Unity 5.
- Added new GUI to Login and Lobby windows, fixing a bug that made it impossible to start a game when there are many question catalogs in the database.
- Added support for new levels and game modes (so far there is just one of each).
- Added support for multiple languages. Available languages in this version are English and German.
04.09.2014 This is mainly a bugfix release:
- Added functionality so that platform hits are now displayed in the game logs section on the website.
- Added a function to hide GUI elements during the game by pressing p.
- Lowered global mouse sensitivity.
- Fixed a bug that made players unable to conquer platforms in some situations.
- Updated server components to new SmartFox release 2.9.
25.03.2014 This is mainly a bugfix release:
- Added a popup window before joining a game round with information about this game.
- Added a quit button to the login screen.
- It is no longer possible to join games that are already running.
- Fixed corrupted background in lobby screen.
- Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in a question if they opened the game menu before.
17.03.2014 This version is a major revision of the initial game. It introduces major changes to the client/server communication, so older clients will not work at all with the new server. The main changes are:
- Most parts of the game logic are now handled by the server.
- Players now have to solve a question before conquering a platform.
- The level has been redesigned.
- Game balancing changes: Bullets shots now stronger than before.
- Fixed a bug that could lead to performance issues (mostly on lower hardware).
- Some smaller UI fixes.
- Security fixes.
- Added a feature that to change teams in the team join screen.
- Changed client to work with the new server.
- Security fixes.
19.06.2013 Initial release version.